Sunday, September 6, 2009

yoga and pregnancy

Yoga works great for pregnancy. That’s wonderful and TRUE. But do you know how?
Yoga has 5 vital tools for pregnancy. When followed together, they work wonders on your health and your capability to have a smooth pregnancy.
Smooth pregnancy and a natural childbirth are just some of the benefits of yoga. But more importantly, yoga does wonders on the physical and mental development of the foetus.
Ensuring a healthy baby is every woman’s dream and yoga helps you do just that.
So what are these 5 tools:
Yoga Exercises – These gently work on the reproductive organs and pelvis to ensure a smooth pregnancy and a relatively easy childbirth. At the subtle level, these ensure optimum supply of blood and nutrients to the developing foetus.
Breathing or Pranayama – These powerful techniques ensure the abundant supply of oxygen and a better life force for you and your child. These methods work on your fitness during pregnancy.
Mudras and Bandhas – The psycho-physical stimulation of these gestures and locks have powerful effects on a woman’s reproductive organs.
Meditation – As a therapeutic tool, meditation will help you resolve the deepest of neuroses, fears and conflicts, which are so common during pregnancy. Meditation brings with it an incredible awareness which helps you connect with your child in a way that is impossible to explain.
Deep Relaxation – Yoga Nidra (Yogic sleep) is particularly effective during pregnancy for physical and mental relaxation as well as for childbirth preparation.
For easy pregnancy yoga exercises and relaxation, you may use the specially designed "Twintex" yoga mats .They are soft yet firm which is what you require. To read more, Click here.
To get the phenomenal benefits of yoga on your pregnancy, practice these easy routines regularly. Not only will you be on your way to a delightful pregnancy but you will give your child an opportunity for best development.
Woman health and pregnancy book is an extremely integrated and simple course designed by a yogi, midwife and home birther of over 20 years experience. Click here to know more.

Yoga and its Benefits

Yoga is practiced by over 20 million Americans daily.
Everyday people are reporting their wonderful experiences on health benefits of Yoga, the transformation of being, taking you beyond the here and now. In one wonderful session of Yoga, people get to practice a number of things, some Yoga poses (asanas) breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation and chanting. In Yoga you get to learn basic terms like Mudras, Bandhas and Chakras. Best of all, Yoga is fun and relaxing while, at the same time, being delectably challenging to beginners.
The intermediate and advanced students, who insist on continuing their practices, get more and more of the taste of this great 5000+ year old wondrous way of life. Yoga is for the body, mind and spirit. You learn to use your body, breath and mind to stretch, relax and energize yourself. So get up and go!
Yoga is all about feeling good; feel the blood surging through your veins, the energy pulsating through your nerves, the bliss coursing through your whole being.
Best of all, Yoga is apt for all, regardless of age, color, caste, creed or religion; from the healthiest to the sickest, from the richest to the poorest, from the whitest to the blackest. And here are some of the specific – and immense – benefits of yoga:
Benefits of Yoga

* Brings down stress and enhances powers of relaxation
* Boosts physical strength, stamina and flexibility
* Bestows greater powers of concentration and self control
* Inculcates impulse Control
* Helps in rehabilitation of old and new injuries
* Intensifies tolerance to pain and enhancing mental clarity
* Boosts functioning of the immune system
* Enhances posture and muscle tone
* Improves blood circulation
* Results in healthy, glowing skin
* Cleanses and improves overall organ functioning
* Bestows peace of mind and a more positive outlook to life
* Infuses a sense of balance and internal harmony
Best of all, Yoga is highly therapeutic. Some of the ailments proven to be relieved, reversed and even healed through the practice of Yoga are acidity , allergies, alzheimer disease, anemia, anger, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, back pain, bronchitis, cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue, colitis, common cold, constipation, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, eye problems, facial wrinkles, gastro-intestinal disorders, headaches, heartburn, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, high blood pressure, hypertension, immune-deficiency, impotence, menopause, menstrual cramps, migraines, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, nervous tension, obesity, osteoporosis, prostate, enlargement, sciatica, skin problems, sleep apnea, slipped disk, sterility, stiffness, stress, insomnia, intoxication, thyroid problems, kidney stones, stuttering and stammering, urinary tract disorders for women, vaginal infections and many more...
So, if Yoga has varied and immense physical benefits, what exactly is Yoga?
Yoga is a 5000 year old science whose teachings were first imparted not in a classroom or Gurukul, but on the battle field. In the epic Mahabharata, the sage, Lord Krishna is first said to have imparted the teachings of Yoga to his despondent student Arjuna. Around 1500 years later, another sage, Patanjali, went on to enunciate, for the benefit of humankind and eternity, the way to reach the summom bonum of life through a series of 195 aphorisms (sutras) in his epic treatise The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Derived from the Sanskrit root “Yujir Yogey” meaning to unite, to yoke, to join, to put together, Yoga is not about mind over body. On the other hand, Yoga is about developing harmony between them. In Yoga, you use your mind to perceive (diagnose) and guide (heal) your body. Never control, let alone force it!
Yoga is a way of life, a conscious act, not a set or series of learning principles. The dexterity, grace, and poise you cultivate, as a matter of course, is the natural outcome of regular practice. You require no major effort. In fact trying hard will turn your practices into a humdrum, painful, even injurious routine and will eventually slow down your progress. Subsequently, and interestingly, the therapeutic effect of Yoga is the direct result of involving the mind totally in inspiring (breathing) the body to awaken.
Contrary to popular – or unpopular – perception, Yoga positions are not about how far you can reach to touch your toes or how many repetitions you can perform. It is all about paying attention to how your body feels; how it moves without that excruciating pain or agony! Yoga is all about breathing correctly about integrating that breath into your being. Conscious Yoga doesn’t call for you to force or strain your never or sinew. Meaning to say, right Yoga is learning how to do things right, do less that gets you more!
Ironically, by doing less – correctly – Yoga enhances your strength, energy, vitality, flexibility and levels of endurance. Accordingly, your body and mind start to become more balanced until, eventually, you find it takes so much less energy to move through the day. Yes, any and everyone can do less…and get a lot, lot more!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Natural facial care

Have you ever thought about what your skin does for you and how important it is to your health? Taking care of your skin and the skin care products you put on your skin can have a major effect on your health. Your skin is a reflection of your overall general health. Many factors such as lack of sleep, hormonal swings, stress, poor diet, illness, and age can contribute to the condition and health of your skin. It can reveal your bad habits, such as smoking and excess sun exposure, even alcohol will dehydrate your skin and interfere with the body's circulation.
Skin care is about prevention not just treating ailments as they arise. The close relationship between the skin and the body has often been overlooked or forgotten because the skin has always been looked at as a separate entity. The condition of the skin is governed by many internal body functions and is the primary line of defense against disease and infection from the outside world. More has been discovered about the way the skin functions, its components and structure. There are many different functions of the skin. If the skin isn't functioning properly it can effect your overall health.
Skin Care Functions Include:
# Protecting the body against injury, heat, and light radiation
# Protecting us from the invasion of microbes and microorganisms
# Acting as a temperature regulator, enabling the body to adapt to temperature by regulating moisture loss
Natural skin care products have become important to the skins many functions. Natural products such as body butters and foot balms protect the skin from moisture loss and help to nourish the skin. Feeding the skin natural vitamins and minerals can keep your skin strong and healthy. Staying away from potentially harmful synthetic ingredients and going with natural skin care products with natural ingredients will help the skin stay healthy and vibrant.
Links to Natural Skin Care topics:
# Skin Care Education >>>
# The Skin Layers >>>
# Skin Care Tips >>>
# The Importance of Hydration >>>
Natural Skin Care
BTrue Naturals provides Natural Skin Care Products to help many skin ailments such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, itchy skin and dry skin. The products we carry contain ingredients such as tea tree oil, shea butter and antioxidants to help with sensitive skin. Take a look at our products to find skin care products to clear skin of these ailments as well as maintain healthy looking skin.

Tooth whitening strips

Teeth whitening strips are growing in popularity. In fact the rise in sales for teeth whitening strips is starting to rival the sales of teeth whitening toothpaste. They are relatively inexpensive, can be applied in the privacy of your own home, and seem easy enough to use. So what is the hype about teeth whitening strips? Do they really work better than:
* Teeth Whitening Tooth Paste * Teeth Whitening Kits * Teeth Whitening Gel
Teeth Whitening Strips can be bought in any drugstore. They are made of a very flexible plastic and they stick right to the surface of your teeth. You only apply them to the teeth that show when you smile, meaning you don't have to work to apply them to your hard to reach molars.
Like teeth whitening trays, they are made to be worn for several hours. Because the strength of the carbamide peroxide is half the strength found in bleaching trays, many whitening strips can even be worn overnight. Many people like to wear them while they watch TV, exercise or even sleep.
They take much longer than bleaching kits to achieve the desired results, but if you apply them faithfully, you should notice your smile getting somewhat brighter over time. Some people use them for a two week duration, while others find they need to purchase multiple boxes to achieve any noticeable results. Because they aren't very strong, you will never get the results you would get if you had your teeth professionally whitened. You usually won't even get the same results a teeth whitening system would provide.
Teeth whitening strips do come with a few minor problems. Sometimes they don't stick very well to your teeth. They can fall off at the most inopportune times. If they slide off white you are sleeping, you won't realize it and won't be able to reapply the strips meaning that a whole night of bleaching will have to be repeated. It is also important to make sure your teeth are dry before you apply the strips for teeth bleaching, so they don't slide off your teeth.
A better alternative to the strips is Maximum Teeth Whitening. It contains the same strength of carbamide peroxide that the dentist uses to bleach teeth. This means that you can actually get a professional whitened looking smile at home. Unlike the dentist, Maximum Teeth Whitening is very inexpensive. In fact it costs about 10% of what your dentist would charge and is even less than the cost of many whitening strip kits.
If you are looking for a whiter smile at home, you can try teeth whitening strips, or you can get better results by trying Maximum Teeth Whitening.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ring worm treatment

Pearl, you sound like an awesome big sister! Your little sister is really lucky to have someone like you watching out for her and helping her to learn about her own health. Taking her to the doctor AND making sure you understand the truth yourself is a winner combination. It sounds to me that you really are on the road to becoming a great Pediatrician
Infections by worms have been recognized since antiquity. Treating some of these infections was among the few notable successes of early doctors. Physicians adopted as their professional symbol a staff encircled by two worms. This symbol, the caduceus, is used to this day.
One of the more obvious worm infections was one which we today call cutaneous larva migrans. As the worms travel through the body just under the skin, scaly red lines mark their paths. These lines are actually inflammatory reactions to the worms.
A very similar skin finding, with raised scaly rings instead of straight lines, was also noted in antiquity.
This infection came to be called ringworm, since the worms apparently traveled in laps around a short circle, rather than in a wandering line. Ringworm typically lasted several months and then, thankfully, resolved on its own. The infection was known to be mildly contagious, but the worm itself was never seen. It was a great mystery.
Some people thought that the ringworm skin lesions looked rather like the holes made in garments by moths -- flat in the center, with a raised border. During the Middle Ages physicians began calling this infection tinea, the name of a common family of moths. Physicians added a descriptive word to the name to specify where on the body the infection was located: ringworm infections on the head were called tinea capitis, on the body tinea corporis, on the feet tinea pedis. They also had specific names for the same infection found in the groin, armpit, facial hair, or nails.
It was not until 1837 that the true cause of ringworm was found. A Polish physician looking at scrapings from the skin of people with ringworm identified a fungus (that he then massaged into his own arm!). Over the next several years, a number of investigators proved that what we call ringworm is always a fungal infection. This was the first time that any microscopic organism was ever proven to cause human disease. It has no connection at all with worms, other than the similar appearance of the skin lesions.
Fungi are tiny plants that survive by eating plant or animal material. The ringworm fungi feed on keratin -- the material found in the outer layer of skin, hair, and nails. These fungi thrive best on skin that is moist, hot, and hidden from the light. When this infection is found on the feet, it is commonly called athlete's foot; when it is found in the groin it is commonly called jock itch; and when it is found on the body it is still called ringworm. Up to 20 percent of the population has one of these infections at any given moment.
Ringworm is very mildly contagious. It can be caught from domestic animals (especially dogs and cats) as well as most farm animals. The infection can be caught from the animal directly, or from anything the animal rubs against (yes, Pearl, your sister could have gotten it from playing on the ground at the BBQ). Ringworm can also be caught from other humans, both by direct contact and by prolonged contact with flakes of shed skin (from sharing clothes or from house dust, for instance). Wrestlers commonly spread it back and forth with their sweaty contact (tinea gladiatorum!).
To catch ringworm, you have to be exposed to it and you have to be susceptible. Some people are much more susceptible than others. Those with eczema or other skin problems get ringworm more easily because the protective barrier of the skin's outer layer is less intact. Children are more susceptible before puberty. Boys get it more easily than girls. Some people are genetically predisposed, and can get it easily throughout life (like me!).
The treatment for ringworm is one of the many effective topical antifungal creams, such as miconazole (Tinactin) or clotrimazole (Lotrimin). Several of these antifungal creams are now available without a prescription. Treatment may require several weeks. Only by treating for at least one week after the resolution of symptoms (and for a total of at least 4 weeks) can one guarantee eradication. (Pets can be treated with the same medicines, but this is difficult, since they often don't get a rash with their infections. Contact your pet's veterinarian to get up-to-date information on the best treatment for animals). As soon as treatment has begun it's fine for her to play with others, but it's best not to share clothing or to let other children rub the patch of ringworm.
Rarely, when ringworm of the body is resistant to topical therapy, we use oral antifungal medications for about one month.
When ringworm is found in the nails or on the scalp the infection is much more difficult to eliminate. Prolonged treatment with a prescription oral anti-fungal medicine (as well as other topical medicines) is usually necessary. Scalp ringworm is a major cause of hair loss, and should be treated aggressively.
Pearl, I expect that your sister's patch of ringworm on her leg will clear up with the Tinactin. In the meantime, thanks for watching out for her!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Best way to build muscle

Some individuals have an extremely hard time gaining weight and muscle mass. Millions of frustrated people search endlessly for the best way to gain muscle and increase their body mass. Diet, exercise, and supplements are the most popular methods used to aid in gaining muscle and adding weight. Individuals looking for the best way to gain muscle will benefit greatly by following a sensible diet and weight training regimen designed to stimulate the body by consuming the proper foods and building muscle tissue.
You must increase your caloric intake significantly if you want to gain weight. A diet consisting of plenty of protein and fats will give your body no choice but to gain weight. The goal is to give your body enough calories to build muscle, but not so many to cause a large gain in body fat. The best way to gain muscle is to force your body to gain mass by increasing the amount of food you consume and promoting muscle growth by training with heavy weights.
Weight training is the quickest way to build muscle mass. Weight training stimulates growth while the increased caloric intake provides fuel for the body to use in building muscle tissue. If you fail to consume the proper foods while training with weights, you will lose muscle rather than build upon it. You will gain muscle mass more quickly if you use free-weight exercises and lifting heavy weights. Your body will respond to this by building muscle.
Your body can be forced to gain weight and muscle if you eat correctly and train properly. The best way to gain muscle is to give your body the fuel and the stimulation it requires to increase your muscle mass.

best ways to lose weight

Shedding pounds doesn’t always require a radical overhaul. Adding one little something to your everyday routine—or subtracting one small thing—can transform your body and help you lose weight. And this kind of tweak is more likely to lead to last­ing results, according to Brian Wansink, PhD, author of Mindless Eating.
“The thing about small changes is that they happen every single day and tend not to fall prey to the tyranny of the moment,” Wansink says. Also, one positive habit often leads to another, so a minor adjustment has a ripple effect. Just ask these women—they lost a total of 207 pounds.Her no-diet solution: “I started walking during my lunch hour. By exercising during my workday, I didn’t give myself the chance to go home, get comfortable, and then blow off the gym. All I had to do was change my clothes, grab my iPod and go!
Another bonus: The last thing I wanted after walking was a fatty lunch, so I started grabbing Lean Pockets instead. After 10 months of pounding the pavement, I dropped 53 pounds. I vary my route now to keep things interesting. But I still walk by myself, every day, rain or shine.
Why it adds up: “It’s so important to integrate exercise into your day, like Colleen did,” says Beth Lewis, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Minnesota’s School of Kinesiology and a specialist in exercise psychology and motivation strategies.
“The walk itself can become very reinforcing because it offers a welcome break from work. And many people find it helpful to exercise at the same time every day, because then it becomes a habit.” Walking is an ideal option for newbie athletes like Colleen, she adds, “because it’s convenient and doesn’t require any special equipment or cost anything.

how to prevent cavities

Do you or your family members get cavities often? Dental research has found out that certain factors can affect your risk of tooth decay. These factors include:
* The current number of decayed or filled teeth
* Your fluoride exposure
* Family history of decay
* How well you take care of your teeth
* The amount of saliva and the balance of minerals, enzymes and buffering agents it contains
* How often and what types of foods you eat (especially carbohydrates)
Ask your dentist about the best ways to reduce your risks and limit dental decay.
To prevent your teeth from decaying, you can do two things:
* Strengthen your teeth's defenses with fluoride, sealants and agents that contain calcium and phosphate ions.
* Reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth.
Fluoride penetrates into teeth. It strengthens them by replacing minerals that acid has destroyed. The benefits of fluoride to teeth were first discovered in the 1930s. Dentists started to notice that people who drank water that naturally contained fluoride had less tooth decay. In 1945, communities started to add fluoride to water supplies. Adding fluoride to water systems has been the most successful cavity prevention method to date.
In the early 1960s, fluoride also began to be added to toothpaste. This also had a major impact on cavity prevention. Now almost all toothpastes contain fluoride. Everyone should brush with a fluoride toothpaste every day. Dental offices sometimes recommend higher levels of fluoride in toothpastes, gels and mouth rinses for both children and adults.
More recently, agents containing calcium and phosphate have been developed. MI Paste and MI Paste Plus both contain Recaldent (the calcium-phosphate ingredient). Your dentist can apply them to your teeth. Recaldent also also can be found in chewing gum (some Trident products) and toothpaste. These agents help prevent and reverse early decay that has not yet led to a cavity.
Sealants are protective coatings placed over the tops of the back teeth — molars and premolars. They block bacteria and acids from sticking in the tiny grooves on the chewing surfaces of these teeth. Sealants can be placed in adults and children. Children can have sealants on their baby molars, and also on the permanent molars once they come in. Dentists can put sealants on molars with signs of early decay, as long as the decay hasn't broken through the enamel.
You can never get rid of all the bacteria in your mouth. But you can take steps to control bacteria:
* Brush twice a day.
* Floss daily.
* Reduce the number of times each day that you consume fermentable carbohydrates.
Some prescription mouthwashes (those that contain chlorhexidine) reduce bacteria in your mouth. This can help prevent decay. Chewing sugarless gums, especially those with xylitol, can help reduce bacteria levels and increase the flow of saliva.
Most importantly, visit your dentist regularly. Then the dentist can find any decay early, when it can be treated and reversed.

Increase Breast Size Naturally

Although implants are always an option, more women are seeking ways to increase breast size naturally, as they realize the potential complications that can arise from augmentation surgery.
A small bust can really hurt a woman's self-confidence, and often leads to feelings of inadequacy and depression. Surgical breast enhancement is quite popular, but there are many pitfalls to contend with, including high costs, health complications, multiple procedures and poor results.
As a result many supplements and pills have emerged to help increase bust size naturally, without the need for implants. Most of the early products to hit the market were ineffective, yet over the past few years there have been several products that have produced significant results.
Some of the more promising supplements are herbal breast enhancers which increase breast size with natural compounds that stimulate mammary tissue growth. The special herbs in these products, such as dong quai, kelp, fennel seed and fenugreek, contain phytoestrogens which bind to receptors in the mammary gland and trigger new growth.
Of course different women will see different results with natural supplements. They may not increase breast size to the same extent in one woman as the next. But if the alternative is surgery, if you can increase bust size naturally it's probably worth a shot. Because most of the higher quality natural enhancement formulas contain herbal extracts, vitamins and minerals, there are usually no side effects to contend with, and the ingredients offer health benefits besides bigger breasts.
For some women, a smaller bust is not a problem...many men actually prefer a smaller bosom. But for those looking to increase bust size, natural enhancement products can be a safe, effective alternative to painful, costly breast augmentation surgery.