Monday, August 31, 2009

Breast Enlargement Exercises

For this you will require a set of three-pound dumb bell.


1. Lie down on a mat. Hold one weight in each hand and extended your arms out at shoulder level. Raise both arms straight up together above your body, keeping your elbow slightly bent, so that the weights meet over your chest. Return the weighs out to your sides at shoulder height. Repeat the exercise 13 to 15 times.

2. Lie down on a mat. Extend your arms and hold the weights up in the air over your chest. Bend your elbows and lower the weights toward your chest, with your elbows out to the sides at shoulder level. Extend your arms straight back up over your chest. Repeat the exercise 13 to 15 times.

3. Take a weight in each hand, extend your arms out to each side and do 15 small, backward circles about a foot in diameter. Widen the circles slightly and do another 15, then repeat these two steps going forward.

Breast Enlargement and Breast Firm Exercises

Breasts contain no muscles but only fat cells, milk-ducts and glands held together in a web of soft connective tissue so by exercising you cannot increase bust size. Neither wills exercising directly reduces a heavy bust. This is especially true if your breasts are heavy if however you are over weight. A weight reducing diet combined with regular exercises will help you to reduce your weight as well as you bust size. Exercising however has several other advantages as well; it tones up the muscles on which the breast tissue lies. So if your bust-line measures less than what you would like then exercises would give you backup chest line firmer and a more prominent thus making your bust appear larger.

Pec Press: Using three-to five-pound weights, lie on your back, with knees bent. With your arms outstretched to each side, slowly bring your arms together, hold for one second and then slowly lower your arms again. Work your way up to three sets of 10 - 12 reps every other day.

Butterfly Press: Using two three to five-pound weights, sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight and arms at your sides. Slowly raise your arms to the side to shoulder level. Hold this position for a count of four, and then slowly return to starting position. Work your way up to three sets of five to seven reps every other day.

Wall ups: These are done by standing about two feet from a wall, facing it. Place your hands at chest level flat against the wall. Now, lean slowly toward the wall using your arm and chest muscles to control your motion until you have your nose against the wall.

Push back to your original position. Repeat this motion 15 times. To increase the effects of this exercise, when you reach the point of lean that stresses the chest muscles most (you'll feel it), pause and hold for a count of 10 or 15, then finish the motion.

Pectoral Push-Ups: Lie face down on the floor and raise up, as if doing conventional push-ups, but keep your forearms and elbows on the floor. Hold for thirty seconds. Repeat five times. Inverted Push Ups: Stand with your legs two to three feet from a wall and your palms on the wall. Slowly lower your chest to the wall by bending your elbows and then slowly push your body back to starting position. Repeat 10-12 times.

Useful Exercises for Bust Development: Breast Exercises


Stand straight with your feet shoulder apart. Raise your arms to shoulder level, elbows bent so that your hands are in front of your chest and your elbows are the same height as the shoulder. Bend the wrist upwards slightly and spread the fingers of your hands. Imagine that you are pressing both hands against a solid object-hold the muscles of the hands, forearms, upper arm and chest region as tightly as if to rush the object you are holding. Focus your eyes in the space between your hands. Hold this position for 20 seconds, muscles as tight as possible, and repeat 3 to 5 times.


Stand straight with your feet shoulder apart. Extend your arms behind your back and interlock your fingers. This is the starting position. Bend forward from the hips, and at the same time, raise your arms behind your back as high as possible, without straining. Use your arms to accentuate the stretch to the shoulders and chest. Look forward with your face parallel to the floor. Hold for 30 seconds before returning to the upright position and relaxing your arms. Repeat 3 to 5 times

Sajah Stabdhasana

Sit in vajrasana (sit on your legs, with legs touching the ground), look forward and hold your arms straight on the sides so that they are in line at the shoulder level. Stretch your hands backwards as though to touch the back of the palms together. Keep your back straight and your head and neck in line with the body. Hold this position for 20 seconds and repeat 3 to 5 times.


Lie on your stomach with your legs straight, feet together and flat on the floor. Place your palms on the floor, below and slightly to the side of the shoulders, fingers forward. Point your elbows backward and close to the sides of your body. Rest your forehead on the floor and close your eyes. Relax your whole body, the lower back in particular. Slowly raise your head, neck and shoulders. Straighten your elbows and raise the trunk as high as you can, using the muscles of your back rather than your arms. Then use your arm muscles to further raise the trunk and arch your back more. Gently tilt your head backwards and look up. Keep your public bone in contact with the floor and raise your navel. Unless your spine is very flexible your arms will remain slightly bent. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 5 times, gradually increasing the time that you hold the posture. bend your arms and lower your body to floor to return to the starting position.


Sit in vajrasana. Stand on your knees and feet together (or separate if more comfortable), feet flat on the floor. If this is difficult, begin with the balls of your feet on the floor. Lean backward, slowly reaching for the right heel with the right hand and then the left heel with the left hand. Do not strain. Push your abdomen forward, keeping your thighs vertical, and bend your head and spine backwards as far as possible. Support your body weight using your arms and legs, and try to relax into the stretch. Hold in this position for 20 seconds and repeat 3 to 5 times, gradually increasing the time that you hold the posture. Slowly release the hands rom the heels one at a time to return to the starting position.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Side Effects of Breast Enhancement Surgery

A large pair of breasts is a source of increased confidence in women. Men too love women who have appreciable breast size. That is why women with smaller breast size look out for options to increase their breast size; there are many options available for them including surgery, breast enhancement pumps, natural medicines and exercises. In this article let us find out which methods are best for your body as well as for your pocket.
Breast Enhancement Surgery
This is the most easiest way of having a large size of breasts but there are a lot of complications associated with it. First of all getting breast implants will cost you thousands of dollars and then there are side effects like problem in breast feeding, and in some cases women have experienced loss of sensation in their nipples and the surrounding area and yes implants are not permanent and not usually you will have to get the surgery done again after a certain time period. So looking at all these things it is advisable to opt for more natural methods than to go under the knife.
Alternative Methods
Aside from surgery there are also other methods which can help increase your breast size. Herbs like fenugreek and flax seeds are two very effective natural foods for increasing breast size. Increasing intake of fresh fruits and vegetables particularly green vegetables will also help in enhancing the breasts. Also doing lite exercises like push ups and dumb bell flies will help strengthen your breast muscles and in the process improving the overall look of your breasts and your overall personality.
Best Method
The best way to increase size of breasts is combining the intake of herbs, eating healthy foods and doing exercises regularly. If you follow this regime in your daily life not only will your breast size increase but your overall health will increase and people will start to appreciate your newly found healthy frame.
Finally what I personally feel is that it's not about having big breasts or small breasts, it's all about having a noble soul and people will automatically start to appreciate you. In natural medicine it is said that the purification of the body starts from the soul and it starts to reflect on your body. Be healthy.

Basic Tips on How to Get Taller

If you're very young and unfortunately you're shorter than your friends, most probably you ask yourself every day, what can you do in order to grow taller naturally?
It's normal to ask yourself that because the appearance-caused problems come with the age.
Even so, is very important to deal with a certain issue early in order to obtain the best results. Below, you'll find a list of tips that will help you overcome this situation.
1. You must sleep at least 8 hours per day.
During the sleep the body will lead the growth hormone to the parts that need it the most. This relation is very strong because better you sleep greater the dissemination. Not to mention that a good sleep will make wonders for your body.
It is very important to sleep well before making your special set of growing tall-exercises.
2. You must drink daily at least two glasses of milk (one in the morning and one in the evening).
In order to grow taller, your body needs Vitamin A, B2, D protein and calcium and all of these can be find in a glass of milk. Milk enhances the height and this theory has already been proven by scientists.
As you know, the Japanese people are usually short people, and that's why, in order to increase the height of the nation, the government started to convince the citizen about the importance of those two glasses of milk every day.
If you follow correctly the above mentioned tips you can grow taller naturally but as you can imagine, that's simply not enough. You'll need to find a great program and to follow it stringently if you want to obtain the best results. By doing that you'll know what you can and cannot do.
Remember it's very important to do all that at an earlier age because your age influences highly your body.

Easy Skin Care Tips

* • Take 1/3-cup cocoa, three teaspoons of heavy cream, 1/3-cup ripe papaya, 1/4-cup honey and three teaspoons of oatmeal powder. Mix it all together. Apply on your face. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water. This is best for oily skin
* • For oily skin, apply a mixture of grapes, lemon and egg white. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. While lemon acts as a natural cleanser, grapes will soften your skin and egg whites will tighten it. Don't be alarmed if your skin tingles.
* • Cut the lemon and rub the wedge all over your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. This will refresh your face. Avoid doing this if you have dry skin.
* • Mix honey, lemon and vegetable oil .This mixture is a good moisturizer for dry skin. Apply this mask for 10 minutes.
* • A facemask of egg white and honey gently removes the tan from your face.
* • Apply the mixture of honey and milk on the face . This will make your skin glow.
* • For removing facial hair. Apply a sticky paste of egg white blended with sugar and corn flour. When it dries, gently peel it off. Repeat this three to four times a week.
* • Apply the mixture of tomato juice and honey on the face and neck , wash it after 15 minutes.
* • Thin apple slices rubbed onto oily skin will help in controlling oily shine.
* • For supple skin, apply a ripe smashed banana on your face for 20 minutes daily.
* • For glowing skin, use basin or green gram powder mixed with milk instead of soap.
* • Add a pinch of yeast with 2 teaspoon of cabbage juice and apply.
* • Apply the mixture of carrot juice and basin. Leave it till it dries and wash the face.
* • Mix 1 table spoon of barley powder with half teaspoon of lime juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply it on the face and wash after 20 minutes.
* • Mix vinegar and rose water in equal quantities and apply.
* • For supple skin, apply a ripe smashed banana on your face for 20 minutes daily.
* • For a fair skin, try this natural bleach. Mix orange peels (sun dried and powdered) with milk. Apply this paste for 25 minutes and wash off.


you’re typically just a black or brown eyeliner girl and don’t really want to branch out into eye shadow any time in the near future, you can still add a little interest to your look. Browse the drugstores and department store makeup counters for dark liners that offer a hint of metallic color. MAC’s Buried Treasure Powerpoint Eye Pencil is a dark brown-black with gold. If you smudge it, the gold becomes more obvious.
Feeling a little bolder? Branch out from those brown and black pencils and go for other deep shades. Sapphire, plum, and hunter green all look amazing next to dark eyes. Urban Decay’s 1999 24/7 Glide On Pencil is described as a “plum with teeny gold shimmer” on their website.
Want a slightly lower priced alternative for your frivolous colors so you can try out a few without breaking the bank? Drugstore lines like Cover Girl carry beautiful blackened jewel tone colored liners, as well. Cover Girl’s Perfect Point Plus liner in Midnight Blue makes dark eyes dazzle. Another alternative is Revlon’s new line of Bedroom Eyes Powder Liner. These are great for a smoky eye look, and a simple as swiping on liner thanks to the sponge tip applicator.

Prenatal Pilates

Keeping Your Body Strong During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when a woman’s body naturally puts on weight and grows to ensure a healthy baby is born. Sensible prenatal exercise programmes can support this natural process and help with any weaknesses that may occur during and after pregnancy.
Prenatal Pilates
Those who were already doing Pilates before they became pregnant, can modify their programmes by following a few simple guidelines. Do not try to advance your level once you are pregnant, just try and keep your level up with some modifications. If you have a well qualified instructor you will safe doing Pilates at any time. If you are new to Pilates please consult a qualified Pilates instructor before starting any exercise programme.
In the third trimester moderation is key. Follow your intuition and do not over exercise. Balance is essential and excessive exercise can put strain on the body and deplete energy and nourishment levels essential for a growing baby.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Prenatal Exercise
Do include stabilization exercises for the hips and torso, keep legs, arms and back strong and stretch out the hips and back. It is important to not do sit ups or anything that feels like it is compressing the abdomen. Do not lie on your belly. Do not lie on your back during the third trimester as this compresses the abdominal aorta and blocks blood flow to mother and baby. Do not stretch excessively during the third trimester either. Follow your instincts – if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.
Pilates Exercises
These Pilates fundamental exercises should be done lying on your back and in the first and second trimester only:

Pilates Exercises

Though one will find tremendous variation in the way that Pilates exercises are presented today, there is a traditional order to the Pilates mat exercises as developed by Joseph Pilates.
Below are samples of the first 10 exercises of a classical Pilates mat workout, including a fundamental warm-up. At the end of this first 10 exercises, which is meant to be an introduction to the classic order, you will find a list of the rest of the exercises in a traditional program.
Begin with Pilates Fundamentals
"Pilates mat exercise"courtesy of Peak Pilates
The exercises in the traditional program create a challenging workout, especially for the abdominals. Most classes will precede this program with some warm-up fundamentals. I have also added modification reminders for each of the exercises to assist those who are beginning to develop their core strength or have physical challenges.
Review Pilates Warm Up Exercises
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The Hundred
"The Hundred"courtesy of Peak Pilates
The hundred builds core strength, stamina and coordination. To do this exercise you must fully engage the abdominal muscles as you practice a dynamic breathing pattern.
Modifications for the hundred include working with the legs higher, table-top legs, and leaving the head down.
See an Online Video of the Hundred
Get Instructions for The Hundred
The Roll Up
"Pilates Roll Up"(c)2007, Marguerite Ogle
Roll Up is a great challenge for the abdominal muscles, and a wonderful articulation for the spine. It has been said that one well executed Roll Up is equal to six regular sit ups, and is much better than crunches for creating a flat stomach.
Supported roll back and chest lift are good training exercises for Roll Up.
Get Instructions for The Roll Up
The Roll Over
"pilates roll over"(c)2007, Marguerite Ogle
Roll over is one of those exercises that Joseph Pilates saw as stimulating the spine. It does involve a lot of spinal articulation, and the only way to control that is to use your abdominal muscles.
Remember, roll over goes only as far as the shoulders. It does not roll up on to the neck.
Get Instructions for Roll Over
One Leg Circle "Pilates One Leg Circle"(c)2007, Marguerite Ogle
One Leg Circle challenges core stability, as one must keep the entire trunk -- including the hips -- still as one leg circles independently.
Modify one leg circle by having the non-working leg bent with the foot flat on the floor. The knee of the working leg can also be slightly bent.
Rolling Like a Ball
"pilates picture"by Peter Kramer, courtesy of Kolesar Studios
The first of the rolling exercises, rolling like a ball stimulates the spine, deeply works the abdominals, and tunes us into the inner flow of movement and breath in the body.
Modifications for rolling like a ball include holding the thighs behind the knees and opening the legs further out from the body. Do not do rolling exercises if you have back or neck problems.
Read: Tips for Rolling Exercises.
Get the Instructions for Rolling Like a Ball
Single Leg Stretch
"Pilates Single Leg Stretch"courtesy of Peak Pilates
Single leg stretch is often cited as an exercise that helps target the lower abs. Of course it works the entire core, requiring strength and stamina as one maintains an upper body curve and keeps teh torso stable while switching the leg and arm positions.
Modify single leg stretch by leaving your head down or working with your legs higher.
Double Leg Stretch
"Pilates Double Leg Stretch"(c)2007, Marguerite Ogle
Going for even more abdominal strength and endurance, we follow single leg stretch with Double Leg Stretch. Double Leg Stretch is a graphic way to experience working from the center of the body as the arms and legs reach away and return together.
Develop this exercise by working the arms and legs with the head down at first.
Spine Stretch ""Courtesy of Peak Pilates
Spine Stretch is a Pilates mat exercise that feels really good. Though it is still a flexion exercise done with the abs lifted, the emphasis has changed to stretching the spine. Spine stretch can also be a stretch for the hamstrings as well as a moment to center oneself before moving on to more challenging exercises.
Spine stretch rarely needs much modification, but those with tight hamstrings may want to sit on a small lift or have the knees slightly bent. Spine stretch can also be done with the arms lower, finger tips along the floor.
Open Leg Rocker
"Pilates exercise"(c)2006, Marguerite Ogle
This is a deep abdominal control exercise. The rolling has to come from deep within the core, not from momentum. Throwing your head back to get going, or jerking yourself up by pulling on the legs are not part of it.
For some, rolling exercises are very hard and for some, they are not healthful for the back. Open leg balance is an alternative to open leg rocker.

Post Natal Massage

Some pregnant mums have it easy. Yet others have to go through many hours of labour.
But one thing’s for sure. After the delivery process, many are just plain tired. In addition, having to breastfeed and nurse a newborn several times a night can be exhausting.
The new mum today does not have much time to rest and relax during her confinement period at home. She needs to get back to work pretty quickly and that means, facing added pressure to lose weight so that she can fit back to her office wear.
Post-natal massage therapy may just be the solution to her needs. Here are 6 top benefits of post-natal massage therapy:
1. Relaxation
2. Stress Relief
3. Relieves aches on shoulders or neck
4. Hasten the reduction of fluid retention
5. Help uterus to shrink to original size
6. Reduce cellulite and help to tone up the body.
In many parts of Asia, many women before delivery would in fact, prebook sessions with an Indonesian massage therapist for post-natal massage. The treatment is a traditional one which has been handed down several generations and even practiced today. This treatment involves the use of a massage oil applied to the stomach and a tummy wrap (bengkung), essentially a cotton cloth of several metres. The bengkung is used to wrap the body so as to push up the uterus, clear water retention, wind, spasm, shrinks the tummy and helps to reduce weight. Post-natal massage is usually done in the privacy of one’s own home.
For a mother that has delivered her baby naturally, it is generally pretty safe to go for a post-natal massage. For those that delivered by caesarian, be sure to consult your professional massage therapist or your doctor first. Most in fact, would recommend that you wait a few more weeks before proceeding with a post-natal massage.
Post-natal massage provides a sense of continuing comfort for the new mother. The aim of this massage is to give nurturing and emotional support as well as alleviate the muscle strain of labor and childbirth. Some post natal massage therapies also come with a detoxification ritual that rids the midriff of post birth bagginess.
In some instances, post-natal massage can bring about a much shapelier silhouette, compared to the one just before pregnancy!

7 Tips To Gain A Fit Body

Being a woman, it is very important to look great, have an attractive figure, and thus gain praise. A woman always wishes to look beautiful with a perfect physique. Having a perfect body is not only important to look great but also to remain healthy. Healthy and perfect looking body can be easily attained by following a few rules:
Eat Healthy Food
To remain fit, it is necessary that you intake healthy food only. Fat abundant diets must be avoided as these kinds of foods not only disfigures a person, but also are hazardous for health. With the intake of diets high in fat, blood cholesterol levels increase and invite a bundle of diseases.
For the attainment of a fit body, women adopt some specific diets. These diets include herbal diets like green tea and Acai Berry diets which are gaining popularity due to their effectiveness.
Targeted Workout
Figure out the problem areas of your body; the areas that need most of your attention. Generally, women get fat stacks around their waist. It is best to start with targeted areas workouts. When you will begin losing fat around the targeted areas, you will gradually start looking slim overall.
Time Keeping
Fix a time for workout that fits your daily routine. Try joining fitness classes so that you have a fixed time which will thus bound you to go for the daily workout. Otherwise, women are apt to become reluctant if they start doing workout at home. You must be completely dedicated towards the purpose of having a fit physique.
Monitor Weight
Weight monitoring is quite helpful in keeping up your fitness. It is the first place from where you can know that you are proceeding towards disfiguration or towards an unfit body. Body maintenance requires continuous hard work and surveillance.
Avoid Mistakes
Many people follow whatever they see others doing. It is a big mistake. Following others’ plans and strategies can be a mere waste of time as it is not necessary that what suits them must also suit you. Take guidance from a professional to begin with, and then carryon with what suits you best.
Avoid Myths
There are many fitness plans available in the market with the claim of helping you achieve the ideal figure by following them. Though it is not true that following only the diet plans can make your tummy tuck in. Other aspects also play their role. So, always keep in mind that you don’t have to buy anything claiming to be the right choice.
Sticking To Plans
Procedures of keeping yourself fit vary from person to person depending upon the BMI and body requirements. Some can achieve their goals by simply following a walking routine, whereas some have to follow extensive workout routine in order to match up with diet plans. Many people don’t get their desired figure just because they lose heart very soon. It is critically important to remain consistent in case you wish to attain a fit body. Women generally become inconsistent when they see no apparent change within a few weeks.
Louise J Brian

Tips to Gain a Healthy Body

Keep on Moving
Some simple tips to gain a healthy body. You need not be a fitness fanatic. If you can use all opportunities to move your body, in your every day life, that in itself would provide sufficient exercise for your body. Choosing stairs when you have elevators/escalators and stairs as choice, playing outdoors with your kids, doing your lawn etc can be good exercise for your body. These activities can keep your mind away from your daily problems and can act as a deterrent also.
Avoid Smoking
Remember that the Marlboro man had a miserable death from lung cancer. He did not find it romantic to die painfully of cancer. So do not start the habit. If you are a smoker, quit right now. This is one of the simplest tips in gaining a healthy body.
Reduce Fat
Try to stay away from fried foods as much as possible. Fast food items are to be used once in a blue moon only. Avoid red meat as much as possible. Use only low fat versions of milk products, mayonnaise, sauces etc. And try to eat smaller portions of food at frequent intervals.
Control Alcohol Consumption
A glass of red wine a day is good for our heart. Not more than that. If you drink too much, that will mess up your liver, kidney, pancreas etc.
Reduce your Exposure to Unhealthy Surroundings
Polluted atmosphere can wreak havoc in your health. Never go out jogging in a busy street with lots of polluting vehicles. Grow some trees in your yard and they can act as a deterrent against pollution to some extent.
Maintain Dental Hygiene
Regular flossing can improve the dental health and this will eventually help you live longer. Strong teeth is known to help their owners eat better and thus to live much longer than others.
Reduce Stress
Try to smile at your life. Keep on thinking about positive things in your life. Singing in your bathroom, walking in the woods, taking a hot shower, watching a funny movie, getting a manicure/pedicure, walking your dog, doing voluntary work etc can are some of the things which can help you significantly in reducing your stress level. Keep the company of people who make you happy.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Have You Ever Wondered What Tooth Whitening Is?

Have you ever tried to find out what tooth whitening means? If you are not familiar with this term, you need to understand that home tooth whitening is a process by which you can hope to whiten teeth in minutes. Well, here is what it really means.
1. It Is A Natural Process
You tend to develop yellow stains on the outer surface of your teeth. One of the main reasons why this happens is because you are unable to whiten your teeth at the right time. Besides, you cannot hope to remove yellow stains by simply using a tooth brush and paste. Hence, you need to make use of a natural supplement to whiten teeth. It could either be a strip, a gel or a cleansing swab.
2. It Is Essential
Most people are of the belief that an ordinary tooth brush and a paste has the ability to cleanse your teeth and remove yellow stains. Well, this is not at all true. If you really want to maintain a pair of sparkling white teeth, you need to opt for a product which can professionally whiten your teeth. Tooth whitening is essential because you need to look and appear professional in the office. Besides, you would not be able to smile confidently if your teeth are stained in bright yellow color.
Teeth whitening is an essential process. In fact, you need to make it an essential part of your daily routine. By doing so, you not only maintain your oral health, you also manage to attract people with your wonderful smile.

Stages Of Pregnancy Week By Week

For understanding pregnancy week by week, you usually go through 40 weeks of pregnancy. These 40 weeks are divided into three pregnancy trimesters - from Week 1 to 14, from Week 15 to 26, and Week 27 to 40. This is a look at what goes through your body during pregnancy.
First Trimester
In the first two weeks, you actually are not pregnant, but it is the time when your egg is being fertilized by the sperm. During Week 3, your body is still unaware that it is pregnant and the implantation of the fertilized cell begins. The following week you realize that you are pregnant, and in between Week 4 and 5, you experience morning sickness.
During Week 5 of pregnancy week by week, the cells develop into three layers - Endoderm, Mesoderm, and the Ectoderm. This week is the start of forming of the embryo’s head, and the baby’s cell. Your baby’s heart starts to beat at the beginning of Week 6, and the eyes, liver, gall bladder, stomach and intestines, lungs and pancreas begin to form by mid-week. Week 7 is when there is development of the eye lenses, tongue, legs and arms, and the jaws, and your baby doubles in size. During Week 8, the four chambers of the heart start to develop, along with teeth buds within the gums, the windpipe, bronchi, voice box, and the cerebellum. Week 9 is when your body determines whether you are having a boy or a girl. Week 10 is when the embryo is now a baby, albeit on a small scale.
In the next four weeks of pregnancy week by week, your morning sickness begins to subside, the structure of the brain is completed, baby begins to open and close its mouth and the vocal chords are formed. During Week14, your areolas may begin to darken and become large, and the baby practices breathing, sucking, and swallowing.
Second Trimester
In the second trimester of monitoring of your pregnancy week by week, your baby’s head begins to rest on its neck, instead of shoulders, by Week 15, and it begins to turn its head and feet. The toenails begin to grow the following week, muscles become stronger, and the head and neck grow straighter. Your baby starts blinking, sucking, and swallowing during Week 17, along with development of all existing body structures. By mid-Week 18, the eyes and ears will be in the right position, and the pads of fingertips and toes will develop. Fingerprints start to develop during this week.
If it is a baby girl, egg cells will be developing in her ovaries by Week 19 of pregnancy week by week. The following week, the scalp hair and eyebrows begin to form, and the baby will start to wake and sleep as babies do. By the end of Week 21, your baby’s heartbeat can be heard through a stethoscope. The following week, the testes will move from the pelvis to the scrotum, if it is a boy. During Week 23, the body gets into proportion, and the bones in the middle ear begin to harden. By Week 24, your baby’s heartbeat can be heard by placing an ear on your stomach. Nostrils start to open, lungs start to develop blood vessels during Week 25, and the following week the nostrils are fully open, and brain wave activity starts.
Third Trimester
Lungs grow rapidly, and you should feel your baby kicking during Week 27 of pregnancy week by week monitoring. The next week, the eyelids open and the lungs can breathe air. A premature baby born now has chances of surviving. During Week 29, the senses of sound, taste and smell are developing, and the baby can move its eyes. During the next two weeks, the baby is still growing, and ensure your intake of proper nutrients, along with folic acid, vitamins, and calcium is still continuing. By Week 32, the baby can sense all the five senses.
In the next three weeks, your baby begins to suck its fingers, starts to develop its own immune system, and in case of boys, the testes would have fully descended. Your baby could turn in a head down position. Due to continuous deposit of fat, during Week 36 elbows and knees will start to form dimples. You should be alert for any signs of labor as you enter Week 37, as your baby could be born two week before or after the due date.
Week 40 is the final week of pregnancy week by week, and you should be ready for your newborn any time!

Breast Enlargement Without Surgery

Breast enhancement surgery typically involves saline breast implants or a breast lift procedure that adjusts the size, texture and shape of the breasts. However, a lineup of pills, creams and breast enlargement pumps claim to provide similar results without the need for surgery.
Is breast enlargement without surgery too good to be true? Here’s a closer look at some of the latest treatments and options available:
Click Here to contact Breast Enlargement Expert!
Breast Augmentation with Herbal Supplements
Pills that stimulate hormone production have been linked to increasing the size of the breasts, but there is little evidence that these are a safe solution for breast enhancement. Herbal extracts such as fennel, saw palmetto, wild yam and fenugreek have long been used in herbal medicine treatments to balance the hormones, but reports that many of these herbs are not supported by published clinical trials. Most contain a high concentration of phyto-oestogens, the chemicals that can stimulate breast tissue production and will ‘trick’ the body the body into thinking it is pregnant.
There may be other benefits of taking herbal supplements for breast augmentation. The Department of Health Care Sciences at George Washington University School of Medicine published results of a study about herbal breast enhancement supplements in 2003, stating that, “the effect of phyto-oestrogens on breast tissue isn’t really clear. Some early research suggested that women with diets high in phyto-oestrogens have a lower risk of breast cancer.” (Source:
Breast Enhancement with Exercise
You can tone the abdominal muscles, increase the size of your biceps and even tighten up the glutes with a healthy exercise routine, so why not increase your breast size too? A personal trainer can help you learn exercises that build up the chest muscles underneath the breasts so you tighten and tone the entire area. This may prevent drooping and creates a more youthful, toned look. Shoulder press resistance exercises, palm presses and even light pushups can help you build up strength in the chest area to provide a sturdy foundation for the breasts.
Breast Enlargement Pumps
Breast enlargement pumps are now available over the counter with varying (usually temporary) results, but the BRAVA system, one of the latest nonsurgical breast enlargement systems on the market, claims to provide long-lasting results. BRAVA also stimulates breast tissue growth and requires the patient to wear small plastic domes for at least ten hours per day in order to work. The entire treatment process runs for ten weeks, and the system is designed to increase the breasts by at least one cup size. Does BRAVA really work? The company behind the BRAVA system reports that results are dependent on biological factors, overall health and duration of use of the system.
Breast Augmentation with Macrolane
Hyaluronic acid is already used extensively as an anti-aging and wrinkle removal treatment; Restylane, Juvederm and Captique are the leading injectables that can enhance the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Since hyaluronic acid can also boost collagen production and increase the volume of skin tissue, it is available as an injectable known as Macrolane for breast enhancement. Marcolane can increase the size of the breasts to create a smooth, natural appearance. Macrolane was created the Swedish company Q-Med, and the procedure is widely available in Europe and Japan. From herbal supplements to breast enlargement pumps, there are several options available for increasing cup size - without going under the knife. Still, most of these treatments cannot imitate the results of breast implants or other surgical procedures and may offer only minimal, temporary results.
If you’re looking for a permanent way to increase breast size, surgery may be the most effective way to get the results you want. Learn more about breast augmentation procedures in our information guide, or find a breast implants doctor in your area to find the best option for your goals.

When To Take A Pregnancy Test

Knowing when to take a pregnancy test will help you know whether or not you're pregnant. If you're wanting to know when to take a pregnancy test, the timing depends on the type of test.
There are two basic types of pregnancy tests - the urine test and the blood test. Both tests look for the hormone that is only present if a woman is pregnant. This hormone is called 'human chorionic gonadotropin', also referred to as 'hCG'. Blood tests can detect hCG about 6 to 8 days after you have ovulated. In general, urine tests can detect hCG about 14 days after ovulation.
When to take a pregnancy test at home is done by many women using a pregnancy test that will test the urine to determine if they are pregnant. Home pregnancy tests are convenient, inexpensive and are private. The urine test should be done using your first urine when you awake in the morning. When you have a positive home pregnancy test result, you should then see your health care provider soon. Your health care provider will confirm your home test result with a blood test plus a pelvic exam.
When to take a pregnancy test is important, because if you test too early in your pregnancy, there may not yet be enough of the pregnancy hormone in the urine to provide a positive test result. Most of the home pregnancy tests will be 90% accurate if you wait and test yourself one day after your missed period is due. If you feel you are pregnant but the home pregnancy test is negative, repeat the test again in a week if you still have not had your period. And if you are still getting negative test results and think you are pregnant, be sure and see your health care provider right away.
Pregnancy is a wonderful event that is complex, frustrating, satisfying and exciting. Your desire to become pregnant and having a child will have even more significance to you if it means you'll be taking better care of yourself and your partner. Besides knowing when to take a pregnancy test, learn as much as you can about improving your own health so you'll be providing that special little one the very best start to life that is possible

Natural Acne Treatment

Natural acne treatments are desirable because they have few side effects, are inexpensive, and are effective for many.
There are many natural acne treatments available for purchase. These contain various plant extracts that work to dry up the pimple and sooth the skin. Most of these products contain vitamin E, grapeseed oil, calendula, aloe vera, witch hazel or essential oils. For example, tea tree oil applied to acne has been found to be effective for hundreds of years. An herbal blend that can help with acne consists of equal parts of the herbal extracts of sarsaparilla, yellow dock, burdock, and cleavers. Take half a teaspoon of this blend three times daily.
Maintain a healthy kitchen with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Eat foods containing healthy omega-3 oils such as ground flaxseeds, salmon, and sardines. Drink six to eight large glasses of water a day. Vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as chromium and zinc, all play a role in reducing and preventing acne. Avoid refined sugar, fried foods, and trans fat (such as milk, milk products, margarine, and any hydrogenated vegetable oils). Some people find that chocolate, caffeine, carbonated beverages, iodized salt, shellfish, wheat and/or milk products aggravate acne.
Stress is popularly thought to be a cause of acne. Yoga, exercise, breathing techniques, biofeedback, massage, and meditation may be beneficial. Chinese, Ayuredic, Tibetan and Japanese herbal medicines can be used to treat acne. Massage is often recommended for people with skin problems. It can help to increase circulation and lymphatic drainage and speed the healing of blemishes.
When shopping for cosmetics and toiletries, look for the phrase "non-comedogenic" on the packaging. Avoid heavy foundation makeup. Most acne patients should select powder blushes and eye shadow over cream products because they are less irritating and non-comedogenic.
Never pick, scratch, pop or squeeze acne, especially inflammatory acne or “pustules”.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Skin Beauty Tips

For Glowing skin
* A facemask of egg white and honey gently removes the tan from your face.
* Mix oats with honey, yogurt and ground almonds. Apply this in your face, leave it for five minutes and wash with lukewarm water.
* Cucumber is a natural cleanser. Mix cucumber juice with milk and use it instead of a cleanser.
* For oily skin, apply a mixture of grapes, lemon and egg white. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. While lemon acts as a natural cleanser, grapes will soften your skin and egg whites will tighten it. Don’t be alarmed if your skin tingles.
* Cut the lemon and rub the wedge all over your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. This will refresh your face. Avoid doing this if you have dry skin.
* Mix honey, lemon and vegetable oil .This mixture is a good moisturiser for dry skin. Apply this mask for 10 minutes.
* Apply the mixture of honey and milk on the face . This will make your skin glow.
* Prepare a mask by mixing a slice of pumpkin with egg yolk and milk. Let this mask set on your face for 30 minutes for a glowing skin.
* Mix half-a-cup honey to your bath water for soft and smooth skin.
* For a soothing body pack, prepare a paste of mint leaves and almonds. Mix it with warm water and apply all over your body. Leave it till it dries and rinse with warm water.
* Buttermilk dabbed on skin for 15 minutes will soak up oil from your skin without drying it.
* Carrot juice applied daily fades blemishes.
* For dark underarms and neck apply lemon juice mixed with cucumber juice and a pinch of turmeric daily. Leave this on for 20 minutes.
* For removing facial hair.. Apply a sticky paste of egg white blended with sugar and corn flour. When it dries, gently peel it off. Repeat this three to four times a week.
* Thin apple slices rubbed onto oily skin will help in controlling oily shine.
* For supple skin, apply a ripe smashed banana on your face for 20 minutes daily.
* Cauliflower juice applied on warts regularly will make them fall.
* For a fair skin, try this natural bleach. Mix orange peels (sun dried and powdered) with milk. Apply this paste for 25 minutes and wash off.
* Mix half teaspoon dried curry leaf powder with multani mitti (fullers earth) and apply on the face. Wash it after it gets dry.
* Apply the mixture of tomato juice and honey on the face and neck , wash it after 15 minutes.
* Apply the mixture of carrot juice and basin. Leave it till it dries and wash the face.
* Add two teaspoon of tomato juice with 4 teaspoon of curd and apply on the face.
* Add a pinch of yeast with 2 teaspoon of cabbage juice and apply.
* Mix 1 table spoon of barley powder with half teaspoon of lime juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply it on the face and wash after 20 minutes.
* Mix pineapple juice and carrot juice together and apply it on the face and wash it after 15 minutes.
* Mix vinegar and rose water in equal quantities and apply.
* Mix curd and cucumber juice and apply it on the face.
* Apply the mixture of coconut water and thick pineapple juice.
* Make a paste with 1/2 teaspoon of milk powder, 1/4 teaspoon of egg white and 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice and apply on the face.
* For dry skin, Make a paste with egg yolk, olive oil and lemon juice. Apply it on the neck and face, wash it out after 10 minutes.
* For oily skin, take a mixture of oatmeal and egg white and apply it on the neck and face
* For glowing skin, use basin or green gram powder mixed with milk instead of soap.
* Apply the mixture of raw turmeric and cream of milk on the face and wash it after 20 minutes. It will make your skin fair.
* Apply the mixture of honey, basin, cream of milk and olive oil as a face pack.
* Apply the paste of fenugreek with milk on the face and let it dry. Wash off with luke warm water. *
Make a paste of red sandal
wood and apply it on the face every day for glowing skin. *
Make a paste with red sandal powder and coconut milk and apply on the face for soft skin.
For Black Spots
* Make a paste with mehndi and oil and apply on the face
* Make a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and glycerin and apply it on the spots
* Apply the paste of turmeric and curry leaves on the face and wash it after 15 minutes.
* Apply a mixture of mehndi and turmeric. For a piece of turmeric, 2-3 leaves of mehndi are used
* Grind dried basil leaf, neem and mint (100 gm each). Add some turmeric powder and rose water to make it in a paste form and apply it on the spots.
* Grind betel leaf and add a little coconut oil and apply it on the spots
Soak a chappathi in milk overnight . Make it into a paste and apply it on black heads. Repeat for several days
Make a paste of saffron and add some honey , apply it on the face to remove black spots.
To remove black spots… apply a paste of turmeric and basil.
To remove wrinkles on the face, apply a mixture of sandalwood powder, rosewater and glycerin. Wash with cold water after some time
For pimples
* Apply a mixture of turmeric and neem on the face .
* Mix thick curd, turmeric and two drops of oil. Apply on the face.
* Make a paste with sandal wood and turmeric and apply it on the face.

Beauty Tips For Face

Face mask for dry skin
1. Take 1 tbsp olive oil and mix with 2 tbsp of fresh cream, leave it on the face for 10 minutes and then wash your face with warm water.
2. Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 15 drops of orange juice and 1 tbsp of fuller’s earth and add 1 tbsp of rose water. Mix well and apply on the face, wash off after 10 miuntes.
Face mask for oily skin
1. Mix a tbsp of honey with 1 egg white and apply thickly on the face and neck. Leave for 10 minutes and wash off.
2. Mix 2 tbsp of papaya pulp with 10 drops of lemon juice and leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse well.
3. Take fresh juice of any of the fruits (orange, sweet lime, watermelon or papaya) and apply on the face as a mask. This is very relaxing, it cleanses the skin, closes pores and stimulates blood circulation.
Carrot Facial Mask
Ingredients Needed:
2-3 large carrots
4 1/2 tablespoons honey
Cook carrots, then mash. Mix with honey. Apply gently to the skin, wait 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
Glowing Facial Mask
You will love your radiant skin after using this recipe…
All you need is:
1 tbsp fuller’s earth
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp mashed papaya
Mix and put on face for 20 minutes then rinse off.
Honey Facial Mask
Perhaps the best facial mask is honey.
Place a cloth in warm water and apply to your face to open the pores. Smear on honey, and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes.
Rinse off with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores.
Use once a week.
Orange Yogurt Mask
Ingredients Needed:
* 1 tsp plain yogurt (I chose Balkan Style)
* the juice of 1/4 of an orange
Stir to mix and then dip fingers into mixture and smooth onto face. The sensation is both cool and relaxing. Leave on for a five minutes and then rinse. If you are feeling sluggish, this is the perfect mask for you.
* Yogurt will cleanse and nourish your skin
* The orange is full of Vitamin C and AHA’s

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Refreshingly Natural Makeup Look

Happy New Year beauties!
Start the New Year off fresh! This refreshing tutorial shows you how to create a truly natural, barely-there daytime look. The “no makeup”-makeup look tutorial is by makeup artist Jamie Melbourne. This look is quick, and perfect for everyday activities like work, running errands, working out, or even just hanging out.
Tanya, the model in this video is just darling and the natural makeup gives her this amazingly perfect glow. She really does look gorgeous, yet still looks like she isn’t wearing any makeup! It was refreshing just to watch it. Many women are overly “done up” ALL the time. This video was like a breath of fresh air. It reminds us that natural beauty is always in, and that there’s a time and a place for different makeup looks. It’s definitely a tutorial everyone should see.

Free Skincare Samples

Skincare products can be very tricky, because they are among the most difficult products to select – finding the right one to keep your skin balanced can require lots of “trial and error” with different skincare products.
Skincare products are oftentimes some of the most expensive ones out there, so how on earth are we supposed to finally find one that works for our individual skin type without going completely broke? Well, we thought these free skincare sample offers would come in handy.
Most of these products are normally pretty pretty pricey (especially the anti-aging ones!!). So, if you’d like to, give some of them a try and you can test the product out before you decide to buy the full sized product. Save some money and find your ideal product all at the same time.
Here’s to perfect skin! Cheers.

itness & Exercise Tips for Women & Men

aAs we age, our bodies lose muscle tissue and our metabolism slows down. Exercise is the best way to get physically fit and lose weight. Starting an exercise regimen at any age is extremely beneficial and can add years to your life.
Working out takes discipline and should not be painful. "No pain, no gain" is just a myth and is not good advice to follow. Exercise should make you feel healthy and fit, not looking for the ibuprofen and ice packs.
Experts advise that 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity at least three times a week is beneficial for both men and women. Select the best plan that is favorable to your lifestyle, whether it is at home or a fitness club.
Opt for a form of exercise you will enjoy the most and start out slowly, increasing your activity and work out-time gradually. Consider adding basic weight training to build muscles, burn calories and control body fat.
Aerobic Activity Training



Brisk walking



Jump Rope





For beginners, try increasing personal fitness in your everyday life by walking more, doing some yard work, painting, and parking your car further from your destination. Not only will you have the satisfaction of getting things done, you'll enjoy the benefits of being physically fit.
You don't need to lump your exercise all in one session. Try it in 10 minute increments if this is easier for you and as time allows. While there's no plan or guarantee for everyone, get started and find out what works for you.
Consult your physician before starting any exercise routine and understand that diet and nutrition will play a big factor in your overall results.

Fitness & Exercise Tips for Women & Men

As we age, our bodies lose muscle tissue and our metabolism slows down. Exercise is the best way to get physically fit and lose weight. Starting an exercise regimen at any age is extremely beneficial and can add years to your life.

Working out takes discipline and should not be painful. "No pain, no gain" is just a myth and is not good advice to follow. Exercise should make you feel healthy and fit, not looking for the ibuprofen and ice packs.

Experts advise that 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity at least three times a week is beneficial for both men and women. Select the best plan that is favorable to your lifestyle, whether it is at home or a fitness club.

Opt for a form of exercise you will enjoy the most and start out slowly, increasing your activity and work out-time gradually. Consider adding basic weight training to build muscles, burn calories and control body fat.

Aerobic Activity Training

  • Bicycling

  • Brisk walking

  • Dancing

  • Jogging

  • Jump Rope

  • Roller-skating

  • Skiing

  • Swimming

  • Tennis

For beginners, try increasing personal fitness in your everyday life by walking more, doing some yard work, painting, and parking your car further from your destination. Not only will you have the satisfaction of getting things done, you'll enjoy the benefits of being physically fit.

You don't need to lump your exercise all in one session. Try it in 10 minute increments if this is easier for you and as time allows. While there's no plan or guarantee for everyone, get started and find out what works for you.

Consult your physician before starting any exercise routine and understand that diet and nutrition will play a big factor in your overall results.

Fitness & Exercise Tips

  • Get busy at home. Clean your house more frequently, do more gardening and yard work.
  • Walking is one of the most popular forms of exercise, and for a reason. It's easy to do and comes naturally.
  • Begin exercising at least 20 minutes a day. Start slow.
  • Take it one day at a time, with realistic goals.
  • You don't need to invest in fancy fitness equipment. Buy yourself a $5 ab-roller, this is very easy to travel with.
  • Treadmills and exercise bikes are great aerobic activity tools for cold months indoors.
  • Add entertainment such as music or tv to your indoor activity.
  • The more muscle you gain, the higher your metabolism.
  • Get family and friends to exercise with you.
  • Take multi-vitamins.
  • Don't allow yourself to watch your favorite TV show unless you do it on a treadmill or exercise bike.
Add hand weights gradually to your r

Hairstyle Trends for Spring & Summer 2009

So what's gonna be hot for hair when the weather turns warmer? The new hairstyle trends for spring and summer, 2009, characterize a variety of styles that will flatter hair of any length, whether it's short, long or in-between.
There's something for everyone! Looking for change? Get a haircut that allows you to wear a practical style for daytime and a more flirty look for the evening hours.
Long Hairstyles
Wavy, textured hair brings a tousled, feminine look. If your hair is long and thick, this is easy to achieve because textured and shaped hair allows you more control with your hair style. Simply wash your hair, add some mousse and blow dry your hair on low. Use a curling iron and finger-comb the layers. For piecey chunks, apply styling wax on the ends to separate.
For a simple, sleek and smooth look, straight hair can look great on almost anyone, reflecting light and enhancing shine. If you have natural waves, you don't need to blow-dry. Simply use a flat iron to straighten it out section by section after you let it air dry. Set the style with hair spray and stay away from rain or heavy humidity.Short Hair
Want less fuss with a short hairstyle? Ask your stylist for heavy layers to add dimension, fullness, and bounce. Boyish, yet feminine, this is the easiest cut to wash and style. If you prefer more than a basic bob, look for an asymmetrical cut to update your look and keep you on the edge.
Ringlets that are too tight look old-fashioned and Victorian. Keep your short curls loose and natural. Finger comb and tousle your tresses when slightly wet for a true romantic look. Face-framing layers will help make a basic hairstyle more versatile and add much needed movement.
Whatever your hair length, this year's parts are leaning towards the center. What looks best on you may depend on the shape of your head, if you have bangs, and if they will also part to reveal a portion of your forehead. If you prefer a side part, forgo the center and wear it where you wish. Not every trend looks good on everyone.
The current trend for bangs is soft and side-swept, exposing only part of your forehead. To look anything but ordinary, opt for angled bangs to accentuate your unique style. Whilst bangs require more frequent maintenance, they're great for covering up a long forehead, flaws, or lines.
Ponytails are back in a big way. With their practicality, getting ready for a casual or formal event is a snap. Soft waves add sensuality to a basic ponytail. For any texture of hair, set high or low, what's classic is now trendy. Try combing your hair back with your fingers for a slightly imperfect, messed-up hairdo.
Color & Highlights Trends
Sexy, feminine highlights are always in style. Chunky highlights give way to subtle. Spring brings popular multi-tone highlights and lowlights for several shades of color that adds dimension and reflects the light. A great haircut combined with delicate highlights ensure that you will look classy at special events and in pictures. Trendy and stylish, this summer promises to bring some of the most exciting hairstyles we've seen in years. What better time is there to update your tresses?

Your Guide to Perfect Skin

What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful that the garment with which it is clothed?" -- Buonarroti Michelangelo
5 Dos and 5 Don’ts to Help Slow the Aging Skin Process
Maybe you're in your 20s or early 30s and you think you can't possibly have (gulp) aging skin yet. Well, you're wrong. Your skin's 'youthfulness' has less to do with age than how it's been , so if exposed to sun, smoke and stress, your skin will start ‘acting old,’ losing collagen, glow and elasticity. Lines will develop and pores can seem more pronounced. It's easier to prevent damage than to repair it but the good news is you CAN reverse skin damage.
Here are 5 dos and 5 don’ts to help slow down and reverse the aging process and leave your skin glowing at any age.
* Do stop smoking. Ever notice the skin of a lifelong smoker? It can appear wrinkly like a squashed paper bag. The fact is, smoking is the 2nd biggest cause of skin damage after sun exposure. Why? Nicotine constricts blood vessels and decreases the flow of oxygen to the skin. Not good things.
* Do use an AHA or BHA (also known as retinols) every day. A daily application of a one percent prescription retinoid lotion (such as Retin-A or even better, Tazorac) can erase years from your face. AHAs used properly not only take off lots of dead skin, but can seem to take 10 years off as well by reducing fine lines. (Keep in mind these products do NOT shrink pores. Your pore size is completely hereditary, so don't believe promises of permanent reduction). Over-the-counter options such as RoC Deep Wrinkle Night Cream (see compare link below to buy) are good, but prescription creams work the best. Extra tip: You must stay out of the sun if you use retinoids. You are extra-susceptible to sunburns.

Diary of a Laser Hair Removal Guinea Pig

A little over a month ago, I did it. I made the leap and tried laser hair removal. Before I tell you exactly what happened (trust me, I'd wished someone had told me before I did it), let me first tell you the top 3 reasons I hated every other form of hair removal I'd tried before. Let's start with...
The Top 3 Reasons I Despise Shaving
Reason #1: The smooth results last only an hour. I have sandpaper leg hair, which means within a few hours of shaving, my legs turn into a fine grade. A couple days later and the fine grade has grown coarse.
Reason #2: Wintertime shaving. There's nothing worse than when goosebumps develop in mid-stroke. (I have sworn for years that you can FEEL the hair grow when you get goosebumps).
Reason #3: The rashes and the nicks. It's a rare occasion that I have a rash-free and nickless shaving experience. In fact, I'm certain it's never happened.
After years of shaving I discovered waxing. There were many things about waxing I loved. The results leave you smooth as a baby's butt and last a long time. But here I offer...
Three Reasons I Will Never Wax Again
Reason #1: The pain. Want to know what waxing feels like? Take a 6-inch length of packing tape and apply it to your forearm. Pat it down so every hair is firmly attached. Hold on to one end, take a deep breath and RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!
Reason #2: The growing out period between waxes. For waxing to work, you need longish hair for strips to adhere to. This means if you want to wear skirts outside the house in summer and you're at the point where you're Just About Ready for Wax, you have to endure sandpaper legs.
Reason #3: It's not cheap (about $60 a pop for bikini and legs, at least in NYC).
I should mention there were other reasons I hate waxing including wicked in-grown hairs, an accidental burning that turned into what seems to be a permanent dark spot and having to lay down half-naked several times a year and make small talk with a complete stranger while she rips the hair from my body.
And This is What Led Me To Become a Laser Hair Removal Guinea Pig
It for all the reasons listed above that I decided to research what I felt was my very last option for hair removal -- laser hair removal. I wanted to know how much it hurt -- my body AND my pocketbook. What were the chances the hair would grow back. Would it scar me or cause in-grown hairs and did it matter where I got it done (some places seemed much cheaper than others).
Here are 5 questions I asked and the answers.
How does high-tech hair removal work? There are a couple options, both of which rely on heated lights: Laser beam or intense pulsed light (IPL). Lasers are focused beams, whereas IPL uses interspersed flashes. While one visit will result in a lot of hair removal, it takes about 5 visits each one month apart to kill as much as 70% of the hair. Hair grows in cycles so you want to make sure you get as much of it as possible.
Is everyone a good candidate? Lasers work best on people with pale skin and dark hair (like me!), but these days there are even options for women with dark skin and light hair. Keep in mind dark skin may require 2-3 more sessions.
Are the results guaranteed? It's impossible to predict how successful lasers will work on everyone. Results depend on the quality of the laser, the type of hair you have and the number of procedures you have done. Never trust a company that guarantees hair removal. I suggest you try to a consultation in person before you sign up.
How much does it cost? Depends. Laser hair removal isn't cheap (about $200-$500 a session depending on where you live and the areas being treated. Again, it takes about 6 sessions to get rid of 70% of hair permanently. Touch-ups are always an option at about $100-$150 a session.
What about scarring? When I looked into getting this done for this article, the ex-editor of Glamour told me a 'funny story' about a writer (I think she referred to her as the magazine's 'guinea pig') who got her entire body treated carpe diem. She ended up scarred for life. For this very reason, you want to skip the discount places and get treated by a trained technician at an established medical facility. These places do NOT offer discounts.
What about in-grown hairs? Because lasers kill the follicle, hair won't grow back causing in-grown hairs you get with waxing (waxing damages the follicle, it doesn't always kill it and hair can grow in on itself).
Now that I had all the information I needed, I decided to research facilities. The first place I found (which will remain nameless)offered discounts and when they found out I was a writer, they were eager to help me get rid of hair everywhere for free. Further investigation showed they had unsatisfied customers.I realized this was a medical procedure, therefore, I needed the very best, so I found out rather quickly that the very best high-tech hair removal place in Manhattan is Completely Bare (212-366-6060). I booked a consultation. Fin

Tips for Taking the Fear Out of Forbidden Foods

The other day, I received a comment on my blog that really struck me: “It’s great that you allow yourself to enjoy a bagel. I’m too afraid to eat them.”
Sure, bagels get a bad rap for being full of unrefined carbs and scant on fiber, but being “afraid” of a specific food really confused me at first. It’s not like bagels are baked with poison! But the more I thought about this comment, the more it made sense to me.
Like many people trying to lose weight, I used to fear calories and fat. I kept a close eye on my calorie consumption and diligently recorded my workouts each day. While I never put specific foods in the off-limit category, I worried about eating too much of my favorites because my oversize portions were what led to my weight gain. And while losing weight is tough, it’s oh-so-easy to gain it all back!
I learned to stick with nutritional superstars like blueberries, spinach, and quinoa. It’s hard to be afraid of something that’s so good for you! And most importantly, I know that food does not make me fat—it’s the type of food and portion size that may make me gain weight.
(Getty Images)
Eat real food
It’s tough to feel anxious about a food that I know is good for me. Choosing wholesome, nutritious foods are always an easy decision. The thought of a fresh, crisp apple, for instance, never scares me!
Remind yourself that you’re in controlA big plate of buffalo chicken nachos can be intimidating. I know it’s easy to overdo it—especially when I’ve had a stressful day at work or I haven’t eaten since breakfast. And if I feel like I’ve already fallen off the diet wagon for the day, I know I may be tempted to continue to pig out. But knowing that I am in control of the situation helps me stop eating when I have had enough. A quick mental reminder before faced with “fearful” food typically does the trick! My plate method also makes me feel in control.
Pay attention to your tummy
If I choose to eat a less-than-nutritious food, I enjoy it without fear because I pay attention to my satiety cues. I eat my favorite foods in moderation, listen to my body, and stop eating before I am too full. For instance, if I want a brownie sundae for dessert, I can have one. I don’t fear it because I know I can enjoy a few bites and not eat every crumb in the bowl.

Women's Health Information

The Women's Information and Health Center of B'nei Brak is a social engineer in women's health. Through exclusive access to the Internet in an otherwise unplugged society, we forge distribution channels between modern medicine and sequestered religious women. We work within strict rabbinic mandates to service the dignity of our clientèle, while counteracting pervasive social ignorance. Through direct collaborations with top health-care providers, hospital staff, and the volunteer network of Agudah Women, we educate to promote health, prevent disease, and legitimize women's right to quality health care within the ultra-orthodox communities of Israel.
Our Mission
To forge access for ultra-orthodox women to key medical information, local resources, and health care, and to tailor comprehensive health education on women's behalf for the ultra-orthodox communities in Israel.
Take a look on our mission and activities.
To this end:
* We provide a 24 hour hot line for the women of Bnei Brak to confidentially inquire after their private health concerns, and receive prompt, up-to-date, well-researched information packages by post, pertinent to their specific needs.
* We conduct comprehensive public seminars in popular and emerging fields of women's health including heart disease, nutrition, exercise, fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and aging.
* We collect, classify, and reformat women's health information published in Hebrew. Parallel to the hot line, volunteers work to strengthen our files. Time is spent researching print and electronic sources, evaluating the long range relevance and the quality of informational presentation and content.
* And we target outreach to traditional female leaders in the community, bringing the wives of rabbis, school teachers and principles to our lectures, and into our volunteer circuit.
* We will expand our city health seminars, individualized package delivery service and adjoining telephone hot line to the national level, becoming a country-wide resource for Ultra-Orthodox women and their communities.
* We will train young female health educators with the tools necessary to infiltrate the Ultra-Orthodox primary and high schools in an effort to introduce basic provisions, and to reform health education policies for young women and girls.
* We will write specialized health-information booklets to address religious women's most frequently asked questions and concerns.
* We will broadcast a weekly radio address on the national orthodox dial, showcasing the critical medical issues raised by religious women to the hot line. Program will include a rotating focus on various aspects of women's health: exercise, nutrition, life cycles, health risk factors, and children. A brief medical news update will be followed by in depth interviews with doctors and expert guests on a specific issue within the topic of the week.


it is inevitable. There are just some times, in the course of an entire day, that something will pop up to get us down. It could be anything, any thing at all. It could be that your car would not start, you discovered bits of your lunch sticking in between your teeth right after a very important client presentation, or you found a long and nasty run along your stockings in the middle of a dinner date. It could be a reprimand from your boss, a missed deadline, a lost business opportunity. Whatever it is, there is always something that is guaranteed to get a frown forming on our faces.
But instead of pitching a hissy fit, or sulking in a corner � or worse, reaching out for some comfort food, and thus ruining your diet � there is actually one thing you can do to make you feel better, and that is to smile.
This does seem a little ironic, doesn�t it? After all, how can you smile after something bad happened to you? It seems an unnatural way to react, to smile after an awful event, and people around you might get to thinking that you lost your marbles.But you see, smiling is the best way you can relieve yourself of negative emotions, of anxiety, anger and nervousness. A smile is programmed to exercise the facial muscles, making the face glow and become more firm and supple. A smile also coaxes the brain to produce endorphins, which are hormones designed to reduce physical and emotional pain and to bring a general feeling of well-being to the body.
If you don�t feel like smiling, just look around you; you will always find something to look at, or something to do, that can make you smile. Here are a few:

Greying of Hair

Graying of hair is a natural process. Hair turns gradually grey (gray) due to a reduction in the production of melanin pigment in the hair bulb as the age increases. When hair starts greying prematurely, it can cause a great deal of anxiety and hopelessness. Premature graying or falling of hair signifies some deficiency of the body. The quality of hair depends upon the general health. A polluted atmosphere, scorching heat, humid climate affects the beauty of the hair adversely. Likewise, tension, anxiety, grief, disease, frustration or brooding is also harmful. To make dry hair look shiny and healthy, try a soft massage with warm oil.
Premature Greying (Gray) Hair Remedy
Some useful home remedies for greying of hair are given below:
Eat foods rich in iron, minerals and vitamin A and B.
Hair Dye is another option for grey hair but home remedies are best and effective.
Eat foods rich in iodine such as banana, carrots and fish.
Drink butter milk with a 2 teaspoons each of yeast and wheat germ will prevent and cure premature greying of hair.
Grate some fresh ginger. Mix with honey and place it in a jar. Eat 1 tea spoon everyday.
Rub Indian gooseberry ( also known as Amla ) into the scalp regularly. Your grey hair will turn black in one month.
Massage your hairs with coconut oil and lemon juice everyday.
Another good remedy for grey hair: Take 2 tsp henna powder, 1 tsp yogurt, 1 tsp fenugreek seeds, powder, 3 tsp coffee, 2 tsp basil juice and 3 tsp mint juice. Mix all ingredients to make a fine paste and apply to the hair. Wash hair with shampoo after two hours.
In case, you have a lot of grey hair use chemical hair dyes. This is a very popular dyeing method in our country. The dye is more or less permanent and if dyed well, hair looks almost a natural black. Dyes are not affected by the climate, season, water and soap. The dyes are made with chemicals like mercury, hydrogen peroxide and others, and are easily available in the market. For dyeing, wash your hair clean, remove all grease and apply the dye as per instructions with a brush. Dye leaves a black color on fingers and nails which may mar the beauty of hands.

Know Your Skin Type, What are Different Skin Types

Know Your Skin Type, What are Different Skin Types
tight after being cleansed, looks dry and flaky in places, hardly breakouts, very small pores.
Dry Skins are lacking in sebum, the skin's natural lubricant, and also lack the ability to retain moisture. Avoid using soap on your face and opt instead for a creamy cleanser wtice a day. Moisturizer is a must.
Smooth and clean after being cleansed, looks smooth and fresh, occassional breakouts, small to medium pores.
Normal skin is perfectly balanced with a healthy glow, fine texture, small pores, and rarely develops spots or shiny areas. With normal skin you can help maintain the natural balance of oil and moisture levels by using a gentle cleanser and oil-free moisturizer.
Dry and itchy in places after being cleansed, looks flaky with some redness, breaks out quite often, medium pores.
Sensitive skin can flare up at times of stress or as a reaction to harsh cosmetic prodcuts. Use products that are allergy and hypoallergenic tested with no irritants like alcohol and fragrances. Test new products on a patch of skin before using them on your face.
Slightly oily after being cleansed, looks shiny and oily, breaks out often, quite large pores (especially around the T-zone)
Oily skin have a tendency to breakout, but they can be thankful for one thing- their skin will age well as its always well hydrated. To keep oily skin clear, wash the skin twice a day with a gentle cleanse, use a oil-free moisturizer and consider a shine-control product to use under make-up.
Dry in some places and smooth in other places after being cleansed, looks shiny in the T-zone, breaks out often in the T-zone, medium size pores in the T-zone
Girls with combination skin have oily areas around the nose, chin and forehead (T-zone) and dry patches on the cheeks. Massage a gente, soap free cleanser into the oily areas and smooth gently over the rest of the face before rinsing. Use a tiny amount of oil free moisturizer on the T-zone area and more on the dry areas.

Teeth Whitening Methods

The peroxide ingredient in most teeth whitening products is what actually bleaches the enamel and makes your teeth whiter. The strength of the whitening treatment typically depends on the strength of the peroxide contained in the whitening product. The current percentages of peroxide in teeth whitening products are 10%, 16% and 22%.
If you are considering teeth whitening, be sure to review the facts about teeth whitening with your dentist first. Only your dentist can tell you if your teeth and gums are healthy enough to go through a whitening process.
If your dentist has determined that you are a candidate to have your teeth whitened, you will need to decide which teeth whitening method to choose from.
Teeth Whitening Options
* In-Office Bleaching — In-office teeth whitening offers excellent results. This procedure is performed in the dental office and can be done quickly, usually in a little over an hour. In-office bleaching is expensive, but the time that you save by having immediate results can make this option appealing.
* Teeth Whitening Trays and Gels — Teeth whitening trays and gels are effective, but the desired results take longer to achieve than with in-office bleaching. Depending on the strength of peroxide in the gel, these clear trays are usually worn a couple of hours a day or overnight and could take anywhere from 3 days to a couple of weeks before any results are noticed. There are basically two types of teeth whitening trays and gels: Those purchased from your dentist and those purchased over the counter. While they will both whiten your teeth, the two have noted differences.
Teeth whitening kits from the dentist produce faster and more effective results because they contain a stronger peroxide-bleaching agent than whitening kits purchased over the counter. Another benefit of trays and gels from the dentist is that the trays are custom made and fit your teeth exactly. Over-the-counter trays are generic sized and could allow the bleaching agent to come into contact with your gums, causing irritation.
* Teeth Whitening Strips — Teeth whitening strips are popping up in every drug store across the nation. These whitening strips sold over the counter are fairly inexpensive, easy to use and most of them really work. Teeth whitening strips may take take longer to produce the desired results depending on the strength of peroxide that they contain. Good Housekeeping did an interesting study about which whitening strips work the best.
* Teeth Whitening Toothpastes — Teeth whitening toothpastes contain mild abrasives to remove surface stains. Some whitening toothpastes may have additional polishing agents and special chemicals that are more effective against stains than regular toothpastes, but teeth whitening toothpastes are not designed to actually “bleach” your teeth.
* Other Teeth Whitening Products — New teeth whitening products are always popping up including whitening chewing gum, dental floss and mouthwashes. While these products are relatively new, not much research has been done to prove or disprove the effectiveness of these whitening products. I have actually tried all three and I am sad to say that while they tasted good or worked well, I didn’t see any whitening results.
If you are still unsure, ask your dentist to recommend a teeth whitening treatment for you. If you live in the United States, be sure to look for the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of acceptance on over-the-counter teeth whitening products.

Teeth Whitening Methods

The peroxide ingredient in most teeth whitening products is what actually bleaches the enamel and makes your teeth whiter. The strength of the whitening treatment typically depends on the strength of the peroxide contained in the whitening product. The current percentages of peroxide in teeth whitening products are 10%, 16% and 22%.
If you are considering teeth whitening, be sure to review the facts about teeth whitening with your dentist first. Only your dentist can tell you if your teeth and gums are healthy enough to go through a whitening process.
If your dentist has determined that you are a candidate to have your teeth whitened, you will need to decide which teeth whitening method to choose from.
Teeth Whitening Options
* In-Office Bleaching — In-office teeth whitening offers excellent results. This procedure is performed in the dental office and can be done quickly, usually in a little over an hour. In-office bleaching is expensive, but the time that you save by having immediate results can make this option appealing.
* Teeth Whitening Trays and Gels — Teeth whitening trays and gels are effective, but the desired results take longer to achieve than with in-office bleaching. Depending on the strength of peroxide in the gel, these clear trays are usually worn a couple of hours a day or overnight and could take anywhere from 3 days to a couple of weeks before any results are noticed. There are basically two types of teeth whitening trays and gels: Those purchased from your dentist and those purchased over the counter. While they will both whiten your teeth, the two have noted differences.
Teeth whitening kits from the dentist produce faster and more effective results because they contain a stronger peroxide-bleaching agent than whitening kits purchased over the counter. Another benefit of trays and gels from the dentist is that the trays are custom made and fit your teeth exactly. Over-the-counter trays are generic sized and could allow the bleaching agent to come into contact with your gums, causing irritation.
* Teeth Whitening Strips — Teeth whitening strips are popping up in every drug store across the nation. These whitening strips sold over the counter are fairly inexpensive, easy to use and most of them really work. Teeth whitening strips may take take longer to produce the desired results depending on the strength of peroxide that they contain. Good Housekeeping did an interesting study about which whitening strips work the best.
* Teeth Whitening Toothpastes — Teeth whitening toothpastes contain mild abrasives to remove surface stains. Some whitening toothpastes may have additional polishing agents and special chemicals that are more effective against stains than regular toothpastes, but teeth whitening toothpastes are not designed to actually “bleach” your teeth.
* Other Teeth Whitening Products — New teeth whitening products are always popping up including whitening chewing gum, dental floss and mouthwashes. While these products are relatively new, not much research has been done to prove or disprove the effectiveness of these whitening products. I have actually tried all three and I am sad to say that while they tasted good or worked well, I didn’t see any whitening results.
If you are still unsure, ask your dentist to recommend a teeth whitening treatment for you. If you live in the United States, be sure to look for the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of acceptance on over-the-counter teeth whitening products.